Lafayette Personal Injury Lawyer

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When you suffer harm due to another party’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. You deserve a legal advocate who will protect your rights and fight tirelessly on your behalf. If you are searching for a Lafayette personal injury lawyer, Sloat, Nicholson & Hoover, P.C., is ready to help.

We pride ourselves on being the premier Lafayette personal injury law firm. Our experienced legal team has dedicated their careers to helping victims like you get the compensation they deserve.

Why Choose a Lafayette Personal Injury Attorney at Sloat, Nicholson & Hoover, P.C.?

We understand you have many personal injury lawyers in Lafayette, CO, to choose from. You may be wondering why you should hire us over another firm. Here are a few things that set us apart from many other Colorado personal injury lawyers.

  1. Decades of experience. Our team of lawyers has over 100 years of combined experience and have been practicing in Boulder County for over 50 years.  We have an impressive track record, excellent knowledge of the roads and traffic in Lafayette,  and the skills necessary to handle even the most complex personal injury cases.
  2. Commitment to every client. You are more than just another case for us. Our lawyers and staff have lived in and been involved in local events and charities, and every client is important to us. We will dedicate the time and resources to fight for the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.
  3. Comprehensive personal injury representation. Our personal injury attorneys in Lafayette, CO, are proficient in a broad spectrum of personal injury cases. We are poised to tackle every challenge head-on, from car accidents to wrongful death.

The outcome of your case is directly linked to your Lafayette personal injury attorney’s skills. We take time to get to know every aspect of your case and to understand how best to represent you. To date, we’ve recovered more than one hundred million dollars on behalf of our clients.

Types of Cases We Handle

While pursuing a claim won’t undo your pain, financial compensation can help alleviate the burden of some of your losses, such as medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. Here is a look at the main types of personal injury cases we handle at Sloat, Nicholson & Hoover, P.C.:

  • Car accidents—Motor vehicle accidents can result in catastrophic injuries. If another driver’s negligence caused the accident, we can help you pursue a claim against their insurance company.
  • Bicycle accidents: Motorists put bicyclists at risk every day. Distracted driving, speeding, and other traffic violations are a few ways motorists can injure bicyclists.
  • Brain injuries: Many accidents and events can lead to a brain injury which can have profound, long-lasting effects on your life. You need a lawyer who understands the gravity of these injuries and fights for the compensation you deserve.
  • Dog bites: Animal attacks, particularly dog bites, can result in both physical and psychological scars. Our dedicated attorneys will work to hold the responsible parties accountable.
  • Motorcycle accidents: Riding a motorcycle poses unique risks, and insurance companies tend to have prejudices toward riders. It’s important to hire a Lafayette personal injury lawyer with experience handling motorcycle accidents to increase your chances of a successful outcome.
  • Drunk driver accidents: There is no excuse for driving under the influence. If a drunk driver has harmed you, we will strive to ensure they face civil consequences.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable on the road. Should a careless driver cause injuries, let one of our skilled lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.
  • Ski accidents: The joys of skiing can be marred by mishaps. If your injuries result from another’s negligence, our team will help you pursue a claim.
  • Slip and fall accidents: Property owners have a duty of care to ensure safe premises. If negligence leads to a slip and fall, we can help you pursue an accident claim.
  • Spinal cord injuries: The repercussions of a spinal cord injury can be devastating. You might need lifelong medical care and expensive home modifications.
  • Truck accidents: Due to the size and weight of big trucks, these tend to be severe accidents. They are also complicated claims because multiple vehicles and possible defendants are usually involved, and the trucking company will likely deny liability.
  • Wrongful death: Losing a loved one due to another’s negligence is something no family should go through. While no amount of money can bring your loved one back, it’s crucial to hold the responsible parties accountable.

If you suffered injuries due to any of these types of accidents, we want to help. Meet with an attorney in our office to learn more about how to pursue compensation for your damages.

Contact a Lafayette Personal Injury Lawyer at Sloat, Nicholson & Hoover, P.C. Today

Every personal injury claim is different, but they typically have one thing in common—the at-fault party’s insurance company isn’t looking out for your best interests. Instead, they typically look out for their bottom line. Therefore, you need a legal advocate to ensure you receive fair treatment and compensation that aligns with your case value. When you represent yourself, the other party’s insurance company will likely extend a lowball settlement offer or deny liability outright.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go through the legal process alone. When you need a Lafayette personal injury lawyer, look no further than Sloat, Nicholson & Hoover, P.C. We understand the intricacies of personal injury law and are committed to delivering results. Reach out today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.